Welcome to The Exhale Network

Inner peace and resilience through mindful community.

Why join the Exhale Network?

We bring together individuals transitioning to a more mindful and present lifestyle to practice meditation and mindfulness techniques, so that we can cultivate inner peace and resilience together.

The Results You'll Get

Our community, courses, and memberships are pretty special. We’re focused on the ways it will make a huge difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of Exhale Network:

  • You'll gain practical knowledge and skills to cultivate inner peace and resilience through meditation and mindfulness techniques.
  • You can deepen your understanding of a mindful lifestyle through active exchanges with like-minded individuals.
  • You'll have access to a supportive community who understands and shares your journey towards a more present lifestyle.

When You Join Today

When you join Exhale Network today, you’ll get access to our:

  • Monthly Mindful Tea Time: Attend our monthly 'Mindful Tea Time' events where you can pause, drink tea, and practice mindfulness in the company of others. You will deepen your mindfulness practice and enjoy a sense of community!
  • Monthly Somatic Breathwork: Attend our monthly Breathwork session and leverage the mindbody connection to go deep. These sessions facilitate physical, emotional, and psychological well-being!  
  • Monthly Fire Circle: Our monthly Fire Circles are virtual events where you can pause, recenter, and enjoy mindful rituals that connect you with your soul.  
  • Discussion Groups on Mindfulness Topics: Whether you're interested in Book Club, parenting, or something else you can drop into our discussion groups to share and learn about various topics related to mindfulness and meditation. Exchange experiences, ask questions, and share insights with other members! 
  • Live Coaching Circles: We host live coaching and networking circles for women, men, and leaders. You'll benefit from the network as well as the guidance and attention of your coach, who will help you cultivate peace, resilience, and enhanced well-being!